
10月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

How to make your reservation. 予約開始について

How to make your reservation. 予約開始について Hi, from Yoshiko, Chez Lonny, Cerfontaine, Les lacs de l'eau d'heure. Thank you for your interest in us. Today, I'd like to let you know about how to make your reservation. You will be able  to make a reservation at "Chez Lonny" beginning 11 November 2017 for stays starting from 12 December 2017.  If you have any questions, please send your questions via   " Contact us ". NOW we open for reservation at: Airbnb. https://www.airbnb.fr/rooms/21657974?location=cerfontaine&s=Zrqg1zie ©Chez Lonny, Cerfontaine, Les Lacs de l'Eau d'Heure. Also, now you can also see our profile page below. 😃 https://leslacsdeleaudheure.blogspot.be/p/a.html Enjoy your day! Yoshiko et David, YOSHIKOです、 コテージの改修工事が進んでいます。 予約受付開始の日が決まりました。 実は、2017年11月11日(土)より 営業開始予定でしたが、 急きょ、あらかじめ 暖房システムを追加することにしました。 そこで、 2017年11月11日(土)より、 Airbnb経由での営業受付開始、 2017年12月12日(火)より、 コテージの営業開始の予定に 変更になりました。 湖のリゾ

We decorated our gîte in Cerfontaine & les lacs de l'eau d'heure. シクラメンを植えました!

We decorated our  gîte  in Cerfontaine & les lacs de l'eau d'heure. シクラメンを植えました! Hi, from Chez Lonny from Cerfontaine & les lacs de l'eau d'heure in Belgium. 👪 The beautiful flowers arrived for the winter ! It's Cyclamens, their origin from  rocky hillsides, shrubland, and woodland up to 1,200 m (3,900 ft) above sea level, from south-central Turkey to Israel and Jordan (by wikipedia).  The garden c yclamens normally keep blooming until -5 degrees. Well, we'll see if the coming winter will be very cold one or not. 😉 I like the shape of the petals because it's bit like a "heart". 💗 And with those colours, it's so pretty and nicely suited on the traditional celtic blue stoned house, which is typicall style in this area in Wallon ( a part of  Gallia ) .  I've got the inspiration of the flower pot, from our family trip in Monaco.  We hope the coming winter will be gentil one!  & Please

Beautiful full moon in Cerfontaine & les lacs de l'eau d'heure. 中秋の名月をベルギーで楽しみました!

Beautiful full moon in Cerfontaine & les lacs de l'eau d'heure. 中秋の名月をベルギーで楽しみました! Hi, from Chez Lonny, Les Lac de l'Eau d'Heure. 💑 Did you see the beautiful  moon for the mid-Autumn festival last night? It’s been just marvelous! wasn't it? We does "Tsukimi" for the "Jugoya" as a celebration of the full moon typically takes place on the 15th day of the eight month of the traditional luner calender (it's turns normally September or October in Solar calender ) in Japan. It's means to appreciate the beautiful moon with family together but also to say thank you to god ( "Tsukiyomi" who is the god of moon and calender ) because we could survive summer and now welcoming the new season. What's the most enjoyment for us when we were kids was, the image of the festival always come with Susuki( Miscanthus sinensis) flowers and cute white rabits, but especially we enjoy sweet rice dumplings which called Mochi, and au

Autumn has come! in Cerfontaine & les lacs de l'eau d'heure. 紅葉狩りに行ってきました。

Autumn has come! in Cerfontaine & les lacs de l'eau d'heure. 紅葉狩りに行ってきました。 Hi, from Chez Lonny, Les Lac de l'Eau d'Heure. We have full of autumn colour in Cerfontiane, Belgium. My daughter and myself did a short walk through forest where is just behind of us, Chez Lonny in Cerfontaine near Les lacs de l'Eau d'Heure. We are a part of Ardennes forest if you see us on a big international map 😉. Mimi, My daughter, just got 5 years old few days ago, is loving so much to take a walk together with her family, through the forest, it's not a huge place as takes just about 15-20 min on foot and nobody knows but became her the most favorite place in this area. 😀 She was so happy collecting Acorn and leeves which beautifully coloured between yellow-orange-red palette. She was repeating " I love leeves!" several times. Then we decorated our dinner table with the leeves in a tiny cup. So pretty. We had such a lovely day! Keep lighten your up m